The Library
Fairy® In the News!
Sonoma County Gazette
of Mom Radio Interview with The Library Fairy
Article: Why Is
Imagination Important? (Scroll down.)
The Library
Fairy has released her weekly storytelling and folktale podcast series!

The grand premiere
performance by The Library Fairy®
of her eco-friendly children's book was
hosted by the renowned Los Angeles Times Festival of Books amongst
authors Julie Andrews and Henry Winkler. She was joined on the
Reading by 9 stage by two child trees! Book signing followed.

River Jordan
interviewed The Library Fairy regarding literacy topics on WRFN
The Library Fairy
has numerous published articles in education, teacher and parent
magazines, online and in print.
us for The Library Fairy’s literacy and storytelling
articles for your magazine!
Sample of
Publicity Clips:
The Library
Fairy has presented at Reading Is Fundamental of Southern
California teacher orientations and numerous Motivational Reading Events
for their partner schools:










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