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Live show title


"Enjoyed by all. Extremely entertaining."

- Libby Kayl, Tustin Community School Director









The children then get a chance to perform in Story Theater, embodying the journey of the characters and lessons. The volunteers receive fun props and act out the story. Stories are specifically gathered from rich, diverse cultures and corners of the world to share their folklore.

Spanish/English stories can also be included.


Stories and Story Theater are designed to engage the children’s senses where they learn and retain the most.  Through costumes and theatrical play they open up their imagination to endless possibilities, perspectives and self- expression.  Social roles, problem solving and theater terms are also highlighted. Cultural and community awareness naturally occurs as they take captivating adventures with fun characters from other lands. Songs and background music are also included.


Literacy is taught in all programs by the repetition and pun play of words, while storytelling itself becomes a playground of words to teach creative use.  Words from other languages are used at times to expand language recognition.

Most importantly, children use their mind’s rich imagery during story time developing imagination and symbolic thinking.  Rhythm, rhyme, cause and effect and emotional development are all gained through the journey of story. Storytelling provides an oral rich environment: proven to enhance reading readiness and emergent literacy.  Click here to view the research on the many positive effects in children who are exposed to the oral tradition of storytelling! 

The storytelling program is an approved, qualified provider for the Arts Community Partnership Network (ACPN) sponsored by LAUSD.  State standards in Performance Arts are applied giving children from hundreds of schools in the District the opportunity to create and perform folklore from their heritage. Click here for more information!

Programs for auditorium audiences are around 45 minutes each. Shows are geared for both pre-school and elementary ages. 3-4 stories are told and 1-2 of them are Story Theater.  Excited child volunteers come up and help tell the story!  The rest of the audience fully participates in answering questions and joining in the call and response parts of the tales.  At the end they all learn the Story Soup Song… singing the importance of everyone’s story!

Check out children's book!





Storytelling in its purity passes on powerful lessons, literacy and links to our history. In telling and retelling these stories children gain language, social skills and confidence. 
It also builds tolerance in introducing them to a wealth of cultures and oral traditions!

Storytelling gives children a bridge:
a powerful link to themselves and the world.







Click here to make a donation to our ongoing storytelling and literacy efforts.









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